Re/Create New York

We love New York and are supporting our neighbors devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Notable creators have donated one-of-a-kind items for online auction, and playlists for fun. 100% of the proceeds go to New York Cares.
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Signed Vespa Helmet

from David Karp

This Auction has Ended

Amount Raised
Winning Bidder
  • Description

    Signed Vespa helmet - the same one David wears himself.

  • Details

    Size M (57-58cm)
    Satin/black finish
    Condition: New

Donate through NY Cares

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David Karp's Playlist

There’s amazing technology going on in New York but, at least for a little while longer, we’re still the underdogs. We have a tremendous amount of respect and validation from the media and other industries out here, but we’re still new, and we’re still small. As far as our ability to build an audience, New York is truly the most creative city in the world; that is so much of what Tumblr is: a media network, a home for tens of millions of creators.

David Karp